Results for 'Özlem A. Aksoy'

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    Pek İnsanca Bir Kaygıyla "İnsan Sonrası"nı Anlamaya Çalışmak.Özlem A. Aksoy - 2021 - Arete Political Philosophy Journal 1 (1):163-169.
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    Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Adolescents With and Without Experiences of Physical Parental Violence, a Latent Profile Analysis on Violence Resilience.Dilan Aksoy, Céline A. Favre, Clarissa Janousch & Beyhan Ertanir - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Questionnaire data from a cross-sectional study on social resilience in adolescence, with a sample of N = 1,974 Swiss seventh grade high school students ages 12–14 was used to identify and compare violence resilience profiles. Person-centered latent profile analysis was applied and allowed for the grouping of adolescents into profiles of internalizing and externalizing symptoms and differentiation of adolescents with and without physical parental violence experiences. Subsequently, a multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to further investigate the sociodemographic predictors of (...)
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    Religion and Everyday Consumption Ethics: A Moral Economy Approach.Ozlem Sandikci - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (2):277-293.
    As research on ethical consumers and consumption practices has continued to grow, a complimentary body of work concerned less with ethical consumption but more with ethics in consumption has emerged. Problematizing the divide between ethical and non-ethical consumption, this stream of research focuses on the domain of everyday and explores the moral struggles individuals face while engaging in ordinary consumption practices. However, the attention on the ordinary runs the risk of obscuring the contribution of the ‘extraordinary’ or the transcendental to (...)
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    Modeling Measurement as a Sequential Process: Autoregressive Confirmatory Factor Analysis.Ozlem Ozkok, Michael J. Zyphur, Adam P. Barsky, Max Theilacker, M. Brent Donnellan & Frederick L. Oswald - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Critical Approach to the Current Understanding of Islamic Scholars on Using Cadaver Organs Without Prior Permission.Sahin Aksoy - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (5-6):461-472.
    Chronic organ diseases and the increasing demand for organ transplantation have become an important health care problem within the last few decades. Campaigns and regulations to encourage people to donate organs after their death have not met much success. This article discusses the subject from an Islamic perspective. It begins with some basic information on how Muslims reach legal rulings on a particular issue, and goes on to debate contemporary thinking among Islamic scholars on the ethical‐legal issues of organ donation (...)
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    Kant’s Highest Good as a Wide Obligation and Its Normative Ground.Neşe Aksoy - 2024 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 16 (2):149-158.
    In his Critical corpus, Kant makes two seemingly inconsistent claims concerning the highest good and its relation to the postulates of immortality and God. On the one hand, he argues that the highest good is a duty to be promoted that must therefore be possible by human powers (‘ought implies can’). On the other hand, he asserts that the highest good is an “unconditioned object” of practical reason that can only be attained on the ground of the postulates of immortality (...)
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    Kant’tan Wittgenstein’a: Mantığın Sınırları.Neşe Aksoy - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi 51:17-29.
    Immanuel Kant proclaims that the ‘transcendental logic’, the form of logic that he uniquely offers, aims at laying out the necessary laws and principles of nature on the basis of the synthesis of the a priori concepts of understanding and the a priori elements of intuition. In this regard, logic, in Kantian sense, is directed towards the knowledge of the nature which he identifies as the phenomenal world (appearances). The noumenal world (transcendental concepts of God, immortality and freedom), on the (...)
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  8. Personhood: A Matter Of Moral Decisions.Sahin Aksoy - 1997 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 7 (1):3-4.
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    The Elegiacs Which Poets Wrote for Their Children in Our Classical Poetry as a Reflection of the Grief for One's Deceased Child.Özlem DÜZLÜ - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1829-1839.
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  10. Turkey : sanctifying a secular state.Ozlem Altan - 2007 - In Eleanor Abdella Doumato & Gregory Starrett (eds.), Teaching Islam: textbooks and religion in the Middle East. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
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  11. Kantian Ethics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.Ozlem Ulgen - 2017 - Questions of International Law 1 (43):59-83.
    Artificial intelligence and robotics is pervasive in daily life and set to expand to new levels potentially replacing human decision-making and action. Self-driving cars, home and healthcare robots, and autonomous weapons are some examples. A distinction appears to be emerging between potentially benevolent civilian uses of the technology (eg unmanned aerial vehicles delivering medicines), and potentially malevolent military uses (eg lethal autonomous weapons killing human com- batants). Machine-mediated human interaction challenges the philosophical basis of human existence and ethical conduct. Aside (...)
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    The 'four principles of bioethics' as found in 13 th century Muslim scholar Mawlana's teachings.Sahin Aksoy & Ali Tenik - 2002 - BMC Medical Ethics 3 (1):1-7.
    Background There have been different ethical approaches to the issues in the history of philosophy. Two American philosophers Beachump and Childress formulated some ethical principles namely 'respect to autonomy', 'justice', 'beneficence' and 'non-maleficence'. These 'Four Principles' were presented by the authors as universal and applicable to any culture and society. Mawlana, a great figure in Sufi tradition, had written many books which not only guide people how to worship God to be close to Him, but also advise people how to (...)
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    Response to: A rational cure for pre-reproductive stress syndrome.S. Aksoy - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (4):382-383.
    This response to “A rational cure for pre-reproductive stress syndrome” first suggests it is existence that is essential and prerequisite to everything good or bad, therefore it deserves to be protected and respected. Secondly, it argues that every life is worth living, even if it is worse than some other lives, if the only alternative is non-existence. Finally, it takes a critical view of and challenges Häyry’s suggestion that in a good clinical situation, the idea of the irrationality of having (...)
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    Kur’an’daki Cennet Tasvirlerinde Kültürel Unsurların Kurucu Etkisi: Nüzul Süreci Bağlamında Bir Okuma.Soner Aksoy - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):773-796.
    Kur’ân’da ahiret hayatının başlıca kısımlarından biri cennettir. Cennet, bu dünyada Allah’a inanan ve imanlarının bir sonucu olarak salih amel işleyenlerin ahirette nimetlerle ödüllendirileceği yer olarak ifade edilir. Bu açıdan Kur’ân’ın pek çok âyetinde cennet hayatına dair çeşitli nimetlerden bahsedilir. Özellikle Mekkî sûrelerde yoğun bir şekilde somut cennet tasvirleri yapılır. Bu tasvirlerin ise genellikle muhatapların kültürel alışkanlıklarıyla iç içe olduğu görülür. Diğer yandan Medenî sûrelerde ise somut cennet tasvirlerinin belirgin olarak azaldığı daha soyut ve evrensel temaların öne çıktığı fark edilmektedir. Dolayısıyla (...)
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    Aliya İzzetbegoviç’in Sanat ve Bilim Düşünceleri Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım.Murat Aksoy - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67:369-395.
    XX. yüzyılın en önemli Müslüman düşünürlerinden olan Aliya İzzetbegoviç’in (öl. 2003) birçok düşünce ve kavram üzerine olduğu gibi sanat üzerine de önemli düşünceleri vardır. Çeşitli eserlerinde sanat konusuna değinmiş olmakla birlikte, İzzetbegoviç, sanat meselesini etraflıca Doğu Batı Arasında İslam adlı kitabının “Sanat Fenomeni” bölümünde ele almıştır. Bu bölümdeki alt başlıklardan biri de “Sanat ve Bilim”dir. “Sanat ve Bilim” bölümünde İzzetbegoviç sanatla çeşitli kavramlar, düşünceler ve disiplinler arasındaki ilişkiye ayrıntılı bir biçimde değinmiştir. Kitabın ismi ve temel iddiası açısından İzzetbegoviç 'in sanat (...)
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  16. Can Euthanasia be part of ‘Good-Doctoring?’.Sahin Aksoy - 2000 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 10 (5):152-153.
    Euthanasia is a popular subject that health care professionals, lawyers and theologians has dealt with for a long time. While it was an extreme and exceptional case to support and argue in favour of euthanasia among health care professionals and lay public, it becomes more and more common to see supporters of this act especially among health care professionals.In this article euthanasia is examined from different perspectives, and tried to draw a conclusion that may be helpful to clarify our thinking (...)
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    The Status of Pentecostal Christianity among the Churches.Özlem Topcan - 2020 - Dini Araştırmalar 23 (57):209-232.
    Emerged as a movement within the evangelical wing of Protestantism in the 20th century, Pentecostal Christianity is a mystical religious movement that seeks holiness in a purely individual experience and emphasizes spiritual unity. This movement, assumed an important role in spreading Christianity to the world is claimed to be the second largest group after Roman Catholicism with its different discourse and organization structure. Its mystical aspect, especially affects churches in the northern hemisphere as well as the southern hemisphere and the (...)
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    On algebraic closure in pseudofinite fields.Özlem Beyarslan & Ehud Hrushovski - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (4):1057-1066.
    We study the automorphism group of the algebraic closure of a substructure A of a pseudofinite field F. We show that the behavior of this group, even when A is large, depends essentially on the roots of unity in F. For almost all completions of the theory of pseudofinite fields, we show that over A, algebraic closure agrees with definable closure, as soon as A contains the relative algebraic closure of the prime field.
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    Being Human among Humans: Plurality in the Divided World.Özlem Duva Kaya - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (1):216-221.
    The main thesis I put forward in this article is that the democratic theory needs an anthropological perspective which defines the human in plurality and signifies the possibility of achieving a fully inclusive rational consensus. I argue that a model of democracy in terms of cosmopolitan anthropology can help us to better envision the main challenge facing universal norms and principles today. How to create democratic forms of living together? I think we can answer this question by interpreting Hannah Arendt’s (...)
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    Antenatal screening and its possible meaning from unborn baby's perspective.Sahin Aksoy - 2001 - BMC Medical Ethics 2 (1):1-11.
    In recent decades antenatal screening has become one of the most routine procedure of pregnancy-follow up and the subject of hot debate in bioethics circles. In this paper the rationale behind doing antenatal screening and the actual and potential problems that it may cause will be discussed. The paper will examine the issue from the point of wiew of parents, health care professionals and, most importantly, the child-to-be. It will show how unthoughtfully antenatal screening is performed and how pregnancy is (...)
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  21. Felsefe dünyamizda örneği̇ olmayan bi̇r.Doğan Özlem - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ (eds.), Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 11--207.
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    Making regulations and drawing up legislation in Islamic countries under conditions of uncertainty, with special reference to embryonic stem cell research.S. Aksoy - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7):399-403.
    Stem cell research is a newly emerging technology that promises a wide variety of benefits for humanity. It has, however, also caused much ethical, legal, and theological debate. While some forms of its application were prohibited in the beginning, they have now started to be used in many countries. This fact obliges us to discuss the regulation of stem cell research at national and international level. It is obvious that in order to make regulations and to draw up legislation at (...)
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  23. Return of the organism? The concept in plant biology, now and then.Özlem Yilmaz - 2024 - Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology 36 (Special Issue: Advances in Philo):355-368.
    This essay argues for the importance of an organismic perspective in plant biology and considers some of its implications. These include an increased attention to plant-environment interaction and an emphasis on integrated approaches. Furthermore, this essay contextualizes the increased emphasis on the concept of organism in recent years and places the concept in a longer history. Recent developments in biology and worsening environmental crises have led researchers to study plant responses to changing environments with whole plant approaches that situate plants (...)
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    Bektashi and Ishraki a Poet: Safi, of Life, and Copies of the Divan.Özlem Ercan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    Migrant Journeys of Loss, Uncertainty, and Hope.Özlem Savaş - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (2):95-100.
    Is uncertainty, often brought about by loss, collapse, interruption, or disturbance in life, an entirely negative state that must be resolved as soon and as fully as possible by resettlement? Or, can we view uncertainty and loss as affective states that might open up new possibilities for friendships, solidarities, collectivities, and hope? As a response to Carla J. Maier’s ‘The Table and the Dancer’ this essay attends to affective and emotional registers of migration. It attempts to rethink the senses of (...)
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    Reflections on Turkish Personal Data Protection Law and Genetic Data in Focus Group Discussions.Özlem Özkan, Melike Şahinol, Arsev Umur Aydinoglu & Yesim Aydin Son - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (3):297-312.
    Since the 1970s and more rigorously since the 1990s, many countries have regulated data protection and privacy laws in order to ensure the safety and privacy of personal data. First, a comparison is made of different acts regarding genetic information that are in force in the EU, the USA, and China. In Turkey, changes were adopted only recently following intense debates. This study aims to explore the experts’ opinions on the regulations of the health information systems, data security, privacy, and (...)
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    Transforming Business Education through Social Innovation: from Exalting Heroes to Engaging our Humanity.Lerzan Aksoy, Hooria Jazaieri, Yuliya Komarova Loureiro, Katherine Milligan, Jeffrey Nesteruk & Raj Sisodia - 2019 - Humanistic Management Journal 4 (2):239-259.
    Our world is faced with complex challenges that include poverty, hunger, lack of education, gender inequality, sustainability, and climate change. These issues cannot be addressed by government action alone and requires the business world play an important role. Despite the many effort of companies to address social responsibility in the last decade however, capitalism continues to suffer a crisis of trust. Many organizations lack the awareness, mindset, frameworks, and knowledge to efficiently and effectively make progress in providing solutions to these (...)
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    Fields with automorphism and valuation.Özlem Beyarslan, Daniel Max Hoffmann, Gönenç Onay & David Pierce - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (7-8):997-1008.
    The model companion of the theory of fields with valuation and automorphism exists. A counterexample shows that the theory of models of ACFA equipped with valuation is not this model companion.
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    Enlightened conservatism: John Galt on law, morality and human nature.Özlem Çaykent - 2004 - History of European Ideas 30 (2):183-196.
    The Scottish historical novelist, John Galt assumed that the origins of law rested on the anarchistic and primitive nature of human beings, who formed a society on a contractual basis out of the need for security. Although generally agreeing with enlightenment thinkers on the formation of society, law and human nature a divergence in Galt's thought appeared in the secular treatment of crimes. Adhering to prevalent Christian notions about sin and crime, Galt rejected a clear distinction between the two, and (...)
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    Signposts or Weathervanes? The Curious Case of Corporate Social Responsibility and Conflict Minerals.Ozlem Arikan, Juliane Reinecke, Crawford Spence & Kevin Morrell - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):469-484.
    Corporate social responsibility is often framed in terms of opposing constructions of the firm. These reflect, respectively, different accounts of its obligations: either to shareholders or to stakeholders. Although these opposing constructions of corporate responsibility are diametrically opposed, they are also much more fluid and mobile in certain contexts, since they can act as discursive resources that are deployed and brought into play in the struggle over shaping what responsibility means. They are less the fixed, ideological “signposts” they might appear, (...)
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  31. Cosmopolitan “No-Harm” Duty in Warfare: Exposing the Utilitarian Pretence of Universalism.Ozlem Ulgen - 2022 - Athena 2 (1):116-151.
    This article demonstrates a priori cosmopolitan values of restraint and harm limitation exist to establish a cosmopolitan “no-harm” duty in warfare, predating utilitarianism and permeating modern international humanitarian law. In doing so, the author exposes the atemporal and ahistorical nature of utilitarianism which introduces chaos and brutality into the international legal system. Part 2 conceptualises the duty as derived from the “no-harm” principle under international environmental law. Part 3 frames the discussion within legal pluralism and cosmopolitan ethics, arguing that divergent (...)
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    Evaluation of Inflammatory Disease Activity in the Sacroiliac Joints Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Comparative Analysis of Short-Tau Inversion Recovery, Post-Contrast, and Diffusion-Weighted Imaging –Preliminary Study.Elif Hocaoglu, Sema Aksoy & Ercan Inci - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    Introduction: It is essential to detect sacroiliitis earlier to decrease morbidity and unwanted complications such as ankylosing of sacroiliac joints. In recent studies, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) serves as a key diagnostic tool for identifying sacroiliitis and is now included in the diagnostic criteria. We aim to detect the utility of diffusion-weighted imaging on the MRI in diagnosing sacroiliitis and measure ADC values for the response to treatment in future studies. Materials -methods: There were 39 patients (16 male, 20 female). (...)
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    JN. Pohn rebble, searching for a mechanism. A history of cell bioenergetics: New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019, 276 pp., £55. [REVIEW]Özlem Yilmaz - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-3.
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    Some principles of Islamic ethics as found in Harrisian philosophy.S. Aksoy - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (4):226-229.
    John Harris is one of the prominent philosophers and bioethicists of our time. He has published tens of books and hundreds of papers throughout his professional life. This paper aims to take a ‘deep-look’ at Harris' works to argue that it is possible to find some principles of Islamic ethics in Harrisian philosophy, namely in his major works, as well as in his personal life. This may be surprising, or thought of as a ‘big’ and ‘groundless’ claim, since John Harris (...)
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    Would a Feminist Appropriation of the Kantian Thought be Possible?Özlem Duva Kaya - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):110-126.
    It is one of the main allegations impelled by feminist theorists against Kant's philosophy that the subject Kant placed at the base of his understanding of rationality is masculine, a Westerner and belongs to upper/middle class. In fact, there is considerable supporting evidence to promote this claim for mainstream Western philosophy in general and Kant's philosophy in particular. On the other hand, while reckoning with the history of philosophy, and examining whether it is possible to break away from philosophical concepts (...)
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    A Novel Illuminating A Period: "Panorama".Özlem Kayabaşi - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1439-1450.
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  37. Spinoza’s Conatus: A Teleological Reading of Its Ethical Dimension.Neşe Aksoy - 2021 - Conatus 6 (2):107-130.
    In this article I examine how a teleological (or purposive) reading of Spinoza’s conatus shapes the ethical framework of his philosophy. I first introduce Spinoza’s criticism of teleology and argue contra many critics that Spinoza has a mild approach to human teleology. On the basis of this idea, I develop the claim that the human conatus includes purposive elements such that it is envisioned as a purposive being that is oriented towards the adequate knowledge of Nature or God, the conceptions (...)
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  38. More Plant Biology in Philosophy Education.Özlem Yilmaz - 2021 - Dublin, Ireland: Graphikon Teo.
    This is an article in Thomas J.J. McCloughlin (Ed.) The Nature of Science in Biology: A Resource for Educators. Graphikon Teo, Dublin. -/- Abstract: Philosophers usually tend to think of animals when they think about life, plants often only appear in their works as on the margins, in the background; they are rarely in the centre. However, plant life involves unique processes, including remarkable modes of interaction between plants and their environments. Needless to say, plants are vital parts of ecosystems. (...)
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    The compassion levels of midwives working in the delivery room.Ayla Ergin, Müesser Özcan & Sena Dilek Aksoy - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):887-898.
    Background: Compassion-based practices in midwifery are the most important expression of the depth of care quality. This concept is insufficiently represented in literature, therefore, studies on this subject are of utmost importance. Objectives: This study aims to determine the levels of compassion of midwives working in the delivery room and the factors affecting these levels. The study was carried out in Kocaeli, Turkey. Methods: This descriptive study was carried out from 1 February to 15 April 2019 in delivery rooms of (...)
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    A comparison of sign and symbol (their contents and boundaries).K. Ozlem Alp - 2010 - Semiotica 2010 (182):1-13.
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    The Last Condition of Plato’s Republic: The Philosopher-King.Özlem Ünlü - 2023 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):106-118.
    In Plato's dialogue of the Republic, politics is a concept questioned in the context of one of the most ancient problems of philosophy, that is, the relationship between theory and practice, and formulated as a paradox. Plato finds a solution to the paradox by establishing the city-state proximate to his theory and to put forward three conditions. The last of those conditions, as Plato calls it the greatest wave of paradox in his own terms, that the rulers must be philosopher-kings, (...)
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  42. Paper: Brain death revisited: it is not ‘complete death’ according to Islamic sources.Ahmet Bedir & Şahin Aksoy - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (5):290-294.
    Concepts, such as death, life and spirit cannot be known in their quintessential nature, but can be defined in accordance with their effects. In fact, those who think within the mode of pragmatism and Cartesian logic have ignored the metaphysical aspects of these terms. According to Islam, the entity that moves the body is named the soul. And the aliment of the soul is air. Cessation of breathing means leaving of the soul from the body. Those who agree on the (...)
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    Bergson’s Notion of Duration as Drive.Özlem Barin Gürbüz - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):123-140.
    A renewed interest into the philosophy of Bergson in the last decades brings his central notion duration to the fore of lively discussions. This renewed interest certainly has its source in Deleuze’s Bergsonism, where he declared Bergson’s philosophy as an alternative to phenomenology that dominated the philosophical discussions throughout the 20th century. Deleuze’s attempt to put Bergson as an alternative to phenomenology was a protest against the phenomenological tradition, which denounced Bergson’s analysis of duration as it is first developed in (...)
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    Exposing Nursing Students To the Marketing Methods of Pharmaceutical Companies.Murat Civaner, Ozlem Sarikaya, Sevim Ulupinar Alici & Gulcin Bozkurt - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (3):396-410.
    There is a strong association between reliance on the promotional activities of pharmaceutical companies and a generally less appropriate use of prescription drugs. Pharmaceutical companies direct some of their promotion towards health workers who do not have the authority to prescribe medicines, such as nurses in certain countries. The aim of this study was to determine the impact that exposure to the marketing methods of pharmaceutical companies has on judgments made by nursing students about health worker—pharmaceutical company relationships. A cross-sectional (...)
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    Beyond the three monkeys of workforce diversity: Who hears, sees, and speaks up?Fatma Kusku, Ozlem Araci, Veysi Tanriverdi & Mustafa F. Ozbilgin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study was to explain differences between employees who feel a sense of belonging and those who feel a sense of otherness in terms of their opinions about diversity works in their organizations. We conducted an empirical study to examine the perceptual differences between two independent groups of the study “who feel a sense of belonging” and “who feel a sense of otherness.” We collected data from 792 employees working for organizations in different sizes, industries, and capital (...)
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  46. Children Rights And A Sample Study On Accidents In Children Groups Aged 0-5 Years Old In The Light Of Parents' Responsibilty In Turkey. [REVIEW]Omar Elcioglu, Sahin Aksoy & Tarok Gandaz - 2003 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 13 (5):183-186.
    The most frequent reasons of the accidents seen at children at the ages of 0-5 who have a right to be cared and protected are negligence and carelessness. In this study, judicial cases compiled from children between 0-5 years of age, who had been injured due to severe family negligence and were referred to the Osmangazi University Training, Practice and Research Hospital between the dates of September 1999 and March 2001, were examined. 40 of 113 cases were due to poisoning (...)
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    Correction to: John N. Prebble, searching for a mechanism. A history of cell bioenergetics: New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019, 276 pp., £55. [REVIEW]Özlem Yilmaz - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-1.
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    Recognition of power: The agency of Kurdish women in their everyday practices.Özlem Belçim Galip - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (3):402-417.
    Anthropological work on Kurdish women has hitherto adopted western stereotypes of power, representing it as non-existent, as women being deprived of agency in everyday practices, or totally politicized. In order to challenge prescriptive gender stereotypes, moving beyond objectification to subjectivity and offering a more complex analysis of gender relations, this study examines the position of women within their family and wider social structures in Şırnak in Turkish Kurdistan based on a sample of local women who are not employed in paid (...)
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    Environmental complexity, cognition, and plant stress physiology.Özlem Yılmaz - 2024 - Adaptive Behavior 33.
    Special issue: Pre ́cis and Commentaries on Veit’s ‘Animal Consciousness’ Abstract: Facing stress and producing stress responses are crucial aspects of an organism’s life and the evolution of both its species and of the other species in its environment, which are co-evolving with it. Philosophers and biologists emphasize the importance of environmental complexity and how organisms deal with it in evolution of cognitive processes. This article adds to these discussions by highlighting the importance of stress physiology in processes connected to (...)
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    Emotion regulation as a mediator of the influence of science teacher emotions on teacher efficacy beliefs.Esen Uzuntiryaki-Kondakci, Zubeyde Demet Kirbulut, Esra Sarici & Ozlem Oktay - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-19.
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